Friday, October 11, 2013

Free writing

I don’t really know what to blog about so I’m just going to free write for a little and hope I get somewhere. Next weekend is fall break. I was supposed to go home and see my family, but my ride fell through. I’m going to feel really left out of the loop with my friends. They all went to fairly local schools and I was the only one to go far. It’s hard to go home for fall break because I live about 8 hours away. If my mom were to pick me up, it would be a 32 hour total drive for her to pick me up and drop me back off. I would only have 1 day to enjoy the fall break. So I’ll probably have to stay at Tech. That’s not a bad thing though.
            I have to plan out a way to get back to Philadelphia from Tech. So far I mapped out how I could get to Washington D.C. Hopefully, my mom will pick me up from there, because I wouldn’t make it to Washington D.C in time to catch the bus to Philadelphia. I feel bad making my mom drive so long to pick me up. I wish I could have just brought my own car down here. It would make getting back home so much easier.
            I’m kind of nervous to go back home. A lot changed when I was here. I broke up with my girlfriend, so I can’t see her anymore. My friends are going to be with their family for an amount of the time that I’ll be back. My family has gotten a little instable after my grandfather almost passed away in June. So things are going to be a lot more different than what I left them.
I like it at college because I get to control my life almost entirely. I get to control how and what I eat. I decide when I have to be home during the week and on the weekends. I don’t have my mom texting me all the time asking where I am and what time I am going to be home. I feel like I’m free from the outside world.
That’s not totally a good thing. I feel like at college we don’t know what is going on in the world. We’re oblivious to the news. Personally, I had no clue that the government was shut down. I know other people feel the way I do. I guess I’ll have to try to see what’s going on in the world outside of Virginia Tech.


  1. I'm sorry you wont make it home for fall break.
    I can't go cause of money issues but thats a constant X)
    there always thanksgiving break!
    My condolences about your grandfather.
    I hope things with you and your family aren't too different when you do get back.
    And yup.
    It's like we're trapped in a VT bubble that is impenetrable by the outside world...until Mr. Sanders tells us things X)

  2. This is really a very great free writing. And I am really very sorry for you cannot come back home for your fall break. I am very glade to know that you like your college life very much. I hope that you can still like your college and have a great time in VT!

  3. I feel the same way. For me it is round trip of 80 hours of flight excluding transit time in airports. I too miss home.
