Monday, November 25, 2013

Plans for Thanksgiving break

I just arrived home from Virginia Tech. The car ride was pretty long, but it went by quickly because I did my homework and listened to music pretty much the whole way home. Besides from listening to music and doing homework, I talked to the two other girls in the car. I found out that they were both juniors and that they were also both architecture majors.

I got home pretty late, so I'm typing this as quickly as possible even though it's after 5pm. My family was really excited to see me, especially my grandparents. I've seen my grandparents everyday since I was about three years old and they are both such a huge part of my life. It was sad to see how bad their health has gotten as the last 3 months have been hard on them. My grandfather can barely walk since he has bone cancer in both right and left pelvic joints. My grandmother looks fine, and if nobody told me she had cancer, I honestly wouldn't even know. But she does have cancer and it's quite aggressive. My mom told me about a month ago that my grandmom had cancer but i wasn't allowed to talk to anybody about it because my grandmom doesn't want anyone to know

Tomorrow I plan to visit my ex girlfriend up in Gettysburg College. We aren't really broken up, I guess we both wanted to try new things and meet new people. But we both realized that we can't find anyone else that's better for each other. So hopefully everything goes well when I visit there. I know it's a really small campus with not much to do except go out and party. I am really excited to see her since I haven't seen her in over 3 months. It was hard going from seeing someone every single dayin school  and over the summer to not seeing someone at all for 3 months. Being in school also makes it harder to talk to each other because our classes don't often allow us to talk for too long. And when we are out of class we are both either busy hanging out with friends or doing homework. But we are both confident that we will be able to make this work. I really want to make this work and it might sound stupid to some... but I could marry this woman.

It's weird to think about that I might have known the woman I will marry for most of my life and that I only realized how amazing she was until senior year of high school. We started way too late in terms of high school relationships. We started going out on June 1st, just 15 days before graduation. But I fell in love with her so quick and violently that I knew this was different from any other relationship I've had. We never fight, which was not the case in the other relationships I've had prior to this one.

I don't truly know who I will end up with, but I'm wishing it will be her.

So I meant to post this on friday night, but I saved it as a draft instead:(

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